Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Timed Writing

Timed Writing for Project Three
Nikki Butchart

My topic for project three was Euthanasia and Physician assisted suicide. In my research paper my goal was to inform and persuade my readers that if legalized, Euthanasia and Physician assisted suicide will be harmful to individuals seeking major medical care. I constructed a blog called “Have you thought about Euthanasia”, in which I have posted a research paper, three organizations that are against legalization, three letters to those organizations discussing the topic of Euthanasia and PAS and also a fable making the topic understandable to children. In creating these sections of my blog, I thought I could attract a greater audince by not making strong bias statements but using facts about the procedures and discussing all aspects of health care that would be affected by the procedures. My blog or views are not seeking to cause turmoil between those who oppose legalization and those who are for it but somehow make them see the other side of the debate. I feel with our largely growing liberal society we must not back arguments with conservative views but build up our arguments with ideas of what will happen with the future. In writing my letters to the three organizations I began each letter with as a Pre-medical student to establish credibility. I feel that as a pre-med student this debate will greatly affect my career and therefore I should have some interest and information on these procedures. In the letters, I asked the organizations how they felt they could inform the public on the growing concern of corruption in our health care systems and how that corruption would play into these procedures. I am not seeking to justify my views through my own religious or moral beliefs but on they greater good of our society,
The next section of project three, I discuss my topic through the use of a fable in order to make it easily understood for children. In the beginning process of this fable it was hard to construct a child’s story on death. Therefore, I used an example of a child riding his bike who was struck by a car, which in essence is a very likely danger to kids. The child’s accident put him in a coma in which his parents stuck by his side until he woke up. Although it troubled me to use the doctors as the so-called bad guys in the story, I portrayed them to be the ones telling the parents he’s never going to wake up, its too expensive, let him die. Moreover, using my views the doctors potentially acted as our health care system and portrayed the very real pressures placed upon families and patients. Overall my main goal of my project three and blog is to hopefully persuade individuals or at least help them to understand my views on the side of the debate opposing legalization.

Euthanasia Fable explanation

For my fable on Euthanasia I will be writing a short story on a young boy who suffered a head injury in a car accident. The young boy is in a coma in which doctors persuade his parents there is no hope for him to wake up and they should let him die. His parents don't give up and eventually the boy wakes up from his coma.